I'm back from my little wisdom tooth removal adventure! I was SO nervous terrified before my surgery. I was asking the nurse so many questions like:
1. Are you going to be using the same type of anesthetic that killed Michael Jackson?
2. Why is this heart monitor making my finger numb?
3. Is my blood pressure ok?
4. Do I get laughing gas before you put my iv in?
Fortunately the answer to number 1 was no, but I wasn't so lucky for number 4. My nurse was super chatty with me and helped me to not feel so nervous before the surgery. As soon as they gave me the anesthetic, I was out and the next thing I remember was asking my nurse whether or not I told my doctor I thought he was hot---which by the way he is the best looking 40 something male I have EVER seen next to George Clooney.
During my surgery, the nurses told my dad that I would either be crying or silly after my surgery, and I was a crier. Not sobbing, just tears--but I don't really remember.
Here is a picture of me right after my surgery. We tried to tie ice packs to my face by tying a scarf around my head---this didn't work out as well as we had hoped and soon enough I was holding them to my face.

Cute right?
My recovery went great yesterday, and hopefully goes just as smoothly today. I ate yummy chocolate frozen yogurt and soup yesterday, and thankfully I have my juicer to get some real nutrients into my body. I didn't want to shovel mashed potatoes in my mouth and not be able to burn off all those carbs....
I was hoping I would feel too hazy to study for the CPA exam, but it looks like I'm not getting out of that one anytime soon since I feel so well.
I'm so thankful that my recovery has gone well so far. My sister had a really bad experience with hers (she was allergic to the pain medicine), and I was really nervous I would be the same.
They even let me keep my teeth!!
Gross huh?
Have you had your wisdom teeth pulled? How was your experience??