Saturday, September 15, 2012

Back in the New York Groove

I'm home!!

I've been in my new apartment for almost 2 weeks...I can't believe its been so long since I've written!!

We've been so busy unpacking, building furniture, and getting our rooms finished that it seems like we've only been here for a few days.  We finally got internet and cable today, and have just a few more touches to put on the apartment until we're completely finished "moving in."

It feels so crazy that this is my apartment.  For a whole year.

New York is so perfect. I LOVE it here.

And don't worry, I'll give you guys a tour as soon as we're finished with the inside of the apt.  Does anyone have any good recommendations of places in NYC to buy wall decor? I'm at a loss, and I can't find anything I like online.

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